When you think of identity, what do you think of? You may think of self-expression, gender identity, cultural background, and even religion.
But you never think of authenticity. Your identity is who you are. Not what you are told to be. Why would we have to worry about authenticity when it comes to your personal identity and relationship within the Vampyre Community? Why is this such an issue within the community?
The Four Horsemen of The Vampyre Identity Crisis
Crafting one's facade
There is an unfortunate narrative that is often passed around the community that has turned one’s identity into a cookie-cutter reality. The overall consensus of Vampyre Identity stems from the need that is within you. Due to this nature, it has turned into needing to over-exaggerate the symptoms or cravings you may experience just to fit in within the VC or else you are not “vamp enough.”. You do not have to have extreme cravings or symptoms to be a vampyre. Yes, some may have extreme cases, but that does not mean everyone should have to feel they need to mimic another’s experience to be taken seriously as a vampyre. There is also an issue with villainizing those with urges. Such as if you have extreme urges but with no intent to do anything about said urges, you are a monster, the predator of the VC. This ideal has unfortunately tainted education within the VC and has shaped a narrative that just won’t simply be buried with the coffin.
Stifling Self-Exploration
One does not be told they are a vampyre, that is reserved for the eye of the beholder. There is a difference between guiding someone on their journey to self-exploration and flat-out telling someone they are a vampyre without allowing the individual to discover that for themselves.
You are the master of your own identity. It takes time to learn about yourself and what you feel connected with deep inside. You are the only one that can discover your identity; do not let outside influence hinder your own journey.
Chasing the Glamour
The allure of the Vampyre Label is so appealing to many. There can be many reasons for this. I would like to note that we are not discussing those who identify as Lifestyler or a Living Vampyre. As I believe that particular identity has its own form of need that is vampyric in nature. We are talking about the need to adopt the Vampyre label and to glamorize it by stereotypes and misinformation just to fit in, not because they feel deep down that is what they are but because they think it’s cool, fun, and even edgy. With these sets of individuals, they take part in creating this facade and in return be part of the problem of this vicious cycle of vamp identity crisis. They may even spread a white lie or two and eventually turn it into misinformation. Those who are new to the community may not know much about vampyres and they often find these people and believe every little thing they may say. I have personally seen people say they are questioning if they are a vampyre then the next day suddenly identify as one without doing any research at all and be suddenly the all-knowing vampyre, they just wanted another label under their belt, perhaps a status within the community.
Elitism Behind Authenticity Tests
This is similar to what I mention about stifling an individual’s self-exploration by saying they are a vampyre just because you want to lead someone on based on false pretenses. But in this particular case it is the underlying elitism and scrutiny someone may hold and have to test another’s identity. This is a form of gatekeeping. Individuals who impose rigid standards or "authenticity tests" on others can create an exclusionary environment, preventing newcomers from exploring their identity freely and leading to feelings of inadequacy or rejection.
Personally, the most extreme and disgusting case I have ever seen pertaining to these individuals is I received a report about someone who claimed to be a vampyre that would privately message those who are questioning or newly awakened. The contents of these private messages would involve the individual testing another’s vampyre identity by advising them to partake in extremely unsafe feeding habits. See below.
“The true way to tell if you are one though is to go with just 3 cups of blood a day and eat nothing else but drink water and blood and if you come out of that alive your a vampire. I would not recommend you try that though.” - King of harmful advice.
Stepping Up
I believe it is important to acknowledge that these factors have shaped and altered authenticity in one’s own relationship with the Vampyre identity. I believe it is we, the community, that can stop this cycle and actually embrace your true nature. You shouldn’t have to lie about your own struggles, accomplishments, and goals to be a Vampyre. It’s okay to be honest and communicate that you don’t have the same symptoms, cravings, and struggles as others. By you stepping up, you are also showing other it is okay and they are just as valid as other vampyres.
In Project V, we encourage self-exploration with your own identity. That is why our definition of being a vampyre is defined on the base premise of the need within; we do not overdefine and hold everyone to a cookie-cutter standard. We give guidance and resources for you to reflect on, and at the end of the day, if you discover you are not a Vampyre that is okay. We appreciate you being truthful with yourself and hope that maybe we have gained another member to our family. But for those who have come to the realization that they are a vampyre, it is okay to always occasionally question. Questioning is the natural way of solidifying and better understanding yourself.
I agree that people should explore them selves to figure out if whether they vampyre or not & what type they are if they identify as one; self exploration is important & everybody's experiences are different.
Great read, explains a lot while not making it too complicated to read or anything, very clear and direct !
“The true way to tell if you are one though is to go with just 3 cups of blood a day and eat nothing else but drink water and blood and if you come out of that alive your a vampire. I would not recommend you try that though. -King of harmful advice.”
Whoever actually like DM’d this to someone gives me the ick!! Ty you for bringing awareness to people like this..
Love that, it's accurate and clear. I rarely see pages like these around, so this will be a nice add on! You did an amazing job Nova!