Recommended Books
This section is dedicated to the books that have been approved by Project V . These books are written by authors who do not have a problematic history and do not promote any unsafe practices. You can trust that the books listed here are a reliable source of information for your needs.
Sacred Hunger By: Michelle Belanger
Now enjoy all of Michelle's major essays on this fascinating topic, collected for the first time in one volume. Find out why author Bram Stoker wrote about vampires -- and what real-life psychic vampire inspired the figure of Dracula. Learn about the history and development of the modern community of real vampires.
The Dictionary of Vampspeak, Second Edition: Terminology and Lingo in the Vampire Community By: Sanguinarius
An indispensable guide containing the common jargon, slang, doublespeak, plays on words, etc., used by real vampires to converse with one another. There are many self-identified real vampires who are just discovering there's a wide community out there, on and offline.
The Psychic Vampire Codex: A Manual of Magick and Energy Work By: Michelle Belanger
The Psychic Vampire Codex is the first book to examine the phenomenon and experience of modern vampirism completely from the vampire's perspective. Father Sebastiaan, a fellow vampire writes in the foreword that Michelle Belanger's system "introduced a breath of fresh air into the vampire subculture.
The Psychic Vampires Guide to Subtle Body Language & Psionics By: Lono Vespertilio
The powerful interconnection of the head, heart and hands will be revealed as well as in depth disscusion of other mudras (energetic hand positions), and some never before revealed information; still considered taboo. This book is written specifically for Psychic Vampires seeking greater understanding of body language and its correlations to psionics and other energy interactions.